Recent Interviews

Learn how other remote workers handle their daily routines, getting work and more.

Interview with Shivani, a remote content writer who shares lessons learned

Shivani provides all you need to know about making remote She shares tips on finding the best remote work opportunity and thriving once you get it.

Interview with Phil Strazzulla, an entrepreneur enjoying the health benefits of remote work

A curiosity for remote work led Phil to make it a primary work arrangement. Hear how it has helped to improve his health and impacted his approach to rest.

Interview with Andrew, co-founder and CEO of Insured Nomads

Andrew, co-founder, and CEO of Insured Nomads talks traveling while working, productivity tools, and the best advice he has received.

Interview with Pola, a Paris-based content writer

A job ad in an online group led Pola to find her ideal career as a content writer—see her remote work & job seeking takeaways.

Interview with Saibu, an HR content writer for a remote company

Hear how Saibu, a thriving HR content writer, navigates the complexities—and perks—of working with a remote team from Ghana.

Interview with Michelle, an organizer of digital nomad experiences

A solo backpacking trip led to Michelle organizing co-travel experiences for digital nomads—hear how she manages working while traveling.

Interview with Jake, a customer success manager for Atlassian

Jake was burned out on the San Francisco lifestyle—see how he transitioned from working in-office to working remotely for a remote-friendly company.

Interview with Vivek, an entrepreneur building a virtual office for remote teams

The long San Francisco commute sent Vivek into remote work—hear about his three strategies for eliminating distractions & his must-have tools.

Interview with Maggie, a senior product manager at HubSpot

Remote work allows Maggie to live in a small town and excel in her career. Hear about how she stays professionally connected, and her essential career advice for remote workers.

Interview with Drei, a WordPress Developer describes her methods for staying focused

A demanding office job gave Drei the motivation to seek out remote work. See how two surprising entertainment apps & a six-hour workday allow her to live her best remote work life.

Keep your remote working skills sharp—get notified when we post the next remote work interview! RemoteHabits will help you achieve your remote work goals!