The challenges are multifold. It begins with hiring the right set of people who can comprehend extensive documentation and communicate (in written form) effectively in a remote setting. Once you have them on board, it is critical to have the right alignment from the beginning.
Synchronous, as well as asynchronous modes of communication and the corresponding rules, need to be defined.
For example, at Flexiple, we use emails primarily to communicate with each other. Only if there is something that warrants a discussion, do we go-ahead to schedule a meeting (mostly on Skype). This makes sure you respect the other person’s time.
We still need a channel where we can expect a response quickly. For this, we use Google Hangouts and Whatsapp for mostly personal chats. However, everyone is aligned that this channel needs to be used sparingly and almost always as a fallback after you haven’t received a quick response on email.
It is also critical that you still have in-person interactions whenever possible.
Most of the freelancers that we work with also travel to attend meetups in other cities. We make it a point to meet up with them whenever they are in Bangalore.
Hrishikesh's platforms are helping to shape the world of remote work and the gig economy—see how he mobilizes his remote teams to facilitate this new future of work.
Read full interview from Interview with Hrishikesh, an entrepreneur helping to shape remote work.
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