What are you working on?

Question: What are you working on? Read answers from remote workers to learn.

Interview with Taylor, a marketing director and intentional digital nomad

I'm the Marketing Director at Tortuga. Our team makes gear for city travelers and are known for our carry on sized travel backpacks.

My specific focus is on product marketing and content marketing. I also run our email marketing as well as our PPC and SEO campaigns. I wear a lot of hats.

Right now I'm working on a launch of five new travel backpacks in March.

Taylor shares how co-working spaces, digital nomadism, and work flexibility gave her the work environment she always wanted.

Read full interview from Interview with Taylor, a marketing director and intentional digital nomad.

Interview with Leon, a journalist teaching the world to play chess

Right now I'm actually using the training features on the site to get ready for a match I have this evening. I play league chess, and that involves a lot of prep before games. However, the rest of the time I spend most of my day trying to market new courses we offer.

At Chessable, we convert print books into trainable online courses. Our next big release is a book by a very highly-respected Danish Grandmaster called Jacob Aagard. He teaches some pretty high-level stuff, way beyond my level.

His book has been adapted into a course by one of my colleagues, and it was then beta tested by some of our members. I am now putting the final touches to it and writing a marketing email for it. When this course goes live I will also get on social media and try to whip up a bit of enthusiasm about it.

Leon James Watson is a former journalist who has found the intrinsic value of remote work while teaching the masses to play chess.

Read full interview from Interview with Leon, a journalist teaching the world to play chess.

Interview with Pamela, a travel writer adjusting to freelancing

I’ve worked on some website copy, as well as editing websites and an e-book. I’ve been working on building out a communications plan for a major university in Atlanta.

I’ve also found some steady work writing blogs for a previous employer. This has been a great confidence builder, and it’s helping me build a portfolio in travel, hospitality, and tourism, which is where I want to focus my efforts.

Pamela is new to the world of freelancing. In this interview, she shares the ups and downs of adjusting to the gig economy.

Read full interview from Interview with Pamela, a travel writer adjusting to freelancing.

Interview with Michelle, an organizer of digital nomad experiences

We combined our biggest passions with each other into a unique concept that brings people together and gives them a unique experience of traveling: Co-travel experiences for digital nomads: The Nomad Escape.

Photo of Michelle with members of The Nomad Escape

Photo of Michelle with members of The Nomad Escape

While we travel around to film business on the road, we offer the possibility for others to travel with us while giving them a taste of our lifestyle.

Our video production company, The Nomad Escape, specifically provides digital nomads the chance to travel to the most amazing places, connect with interesting people, get some work done, and, most of all, enjoy life.

A solo backpacking trip led to Michelle organizing co-travel experiences for digital nomads—hear how she manages working while traveling.

Read full interview from Interview with Michelle, an organizer of digital nomad experiences.

Interview with Celine, a VP of People Ops and remote team member

I am a full-time employee in a fast-growing cloud company.

Working in People Ops means supporting the changes in the organization (teams, tools, communication, policies), being in charge of the overall employee experience from recruitment to exit, and developing people skills.

Being remote allows me to work in a truly international working environment, but this also means more amplitude in my working time as I am interviewing people worldwide.

Celine has experienced the highs and lows of working with remote and hybrid teams—see her tips for thriving as a member of a remote team.

Read full interview from Interview with Celine, a VP of People Ops and remote team member.

Interview with Andrew, a freelance writer who works remotely

Right now, I’m working for an addiction and substance abuse blog.

I write various articles about the different types of drugs that are out on the market as well as write about the negative effects that they have on people’s minds and bodies.

It’s a pretty great gig, my client uses a content management system to create a workflow for the writers. I can take on as much or as little work as I like in any given week.

All I have to do is select the topics that are available to me and then I get to writing. It’s an easy and no-frills way of getting down to the business of actually writing.

Andrew became a full-time freelance writer after experimenting with freelance marketplaces. After the first month, he was already earning more than his full-time job.

Read full interview from Interview with Andrew, a freelance writer who works remotely.

Interview with Sarah Archer, a content marketing manager & remote work techie

I’m currently working on content and PR efforts for Your Best Digs, a subsidiary of Siege Media. This requires me to constantly brainstorm new ideas, build relationships with publishers, edit, write and more.

From noise-canceling headphones to Basecamp—content marketer Sarah shares her must-have remote work tools & essential productivity tips.

Read full interview from Interview with Sarah Archer, a content marketing manager & remote work techie.

Interview with Tara, a remote director of research and administration

We specialize in senior finance searches, and we’ve just finished up a successful search for the VP Finance of the YMCA of Southwestern Ontario. Currently, we are in the first stages of a couple of confidential finance searches.

I collaborate with the managing partner for each search with respect to strategy and do the bulk of research on our projects, pre-screen potential candidates, and liaise with clients.

A move to be closer to a spouse's job led Tara to remote work—see her tips for staying productive and organized as a full-time remote director.

Read full interview from Interview with Tara, a remote director of research and administration.

Interview with Nico, marketer and advocate for remote worker mental health

I almost always have four or five things going on at once (my wife can testify), but currently, I'm the marketing manager at Littledata, an analytics startup in the Shopify ecosystem. I co-lead most of our marketing activities, demand generation, top-of-funnel stuff, etc. I really love my job not only because of the role but because of the deep-rooted trust between me, my team leader and my coworkers. More on that later. :)

"I've felt burnout HARD in the past. When it hits, it HITS, and it can be tough to recover." In this interview, Nico shares his strategies for balancing work and life and reveals the key to avoiding burnout.

Read full interview from Interview with Nico, marketer and advocate for remote worker mental health.

Interview with Paul, a remote product designer who has found his zen

I’m a Senior UX Designer with a focus on Design Operations. A key focus of my role is to understand how we can truly connect designers distributed across regions so that we can work together to share knowledge and success stories.

Recently, I, along with a colleague based in Texas, ran a remote design sprint session with the team. The purpose was twofold —connect the team with a common project while also seeing how we could adapt the design sprint to a remote setting.

Another project I am part of is developing our design system to support our mission to elevate design in Global Payments. This allows us to deliver unified experiences across all of our products, solutions, and services worldwide.

I’m also interested in what the prolonged remote working ‘experiment’ will mean for the future of how we work. I’m part of an initiative in our Dublin office conducting research to gather insights and data on the impact of remote work to help inform future decisions.

The COVID-19 pandemic drove Paul to embrace remote work. See how he has adapted his routine to this new normal, and the one tool that keeps him organized.

Read full interview from Interview with Paul, a remote product designer who has found his zen .

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