Integrated Content Producer
November 18, 2019

Interview with Josephine, an integrated content producer traveling the world

Josephine got a dream gig of traveling while engaging in her passion for digital storytelling. Hear about the work she is doing to bring awareness to remote work.

How did you get started with remote work?

I used to work in an in-house production/post (full service) studio in Toronto. My background is in media production, and I really enjoy what I do, but I was tired of commuting and being stuck in one geographical location.

I happened to apply for a job with my current company Torre for fun—the job posting said, "travel around the world and create content," and I said, "no way this is real" as I proceeded to apply.

Then I got the job. Now I'm working in a fast-paced start-up environment, excited about the challenges to come!

The switch was a learning curve—they say you need discipline, but you don't really know how much discipline you need before you get thrown into the deep end!

Read 114 answers from other remote workers

What are you working on?

I am working on Remoter— an inclusive, diverse library all about remote work. We want to showcase the benefits of the future of work and become an educational/resourceful platform where people will come to look for answers about remote work.

Whether you may be an individual looking to learn more, or a company leader looking to build a remote-first team or transition into a remote-first team, my goal is to have intriguing stories showcased on the Remoter Project for you to relate to.

Read 107 answers from other remote workers

What's your typical work routine?

I started recently, so right now, I am cleaning up Remoter, updating the social media platforms, and coming up with distribution plans for our existing content (that was created prior to my arrival).

I am also gearing up for our Product Hunt launch and distribution of episode one of our Remoter Podcast season one. With the company (Torre) that I'm at, we have daily stand-ups with Remoter as well as our individual sectors.

In Jan 2020, I will also be traveling around the world, creating content (whether that may be video, audio, text, photographs, etc.) by interviewing remote work leaders/advocates and getting their personal stories, experiences, and lessons learned.

I want to bounce around and meet as many people as possible.

Read 92 answers from other remote workers

Do you have a dedicated space to work?

I work anywhere. I work in my bedroom. I work in coworking spaces. I work in cafes. Friend's houses. Anywhere. Honestly, I'm very flexible! I don't even feel like I have a place to call home at the moment, haha.

Read 93 answers from other remote workers

What tools do you use to stay productive?

Slack, Zoom, Trello, Airtable, G Suite, WhatsApp and Hubspot are my go-tos. Use each every day.

I also use the Adobe Creative Cloud for my production and post-production needs. And Sketch. Holy crap, I use quite a fair bit of tools!

Read 108 answers from other remote workers

How do you stay on task?

Airtable, dailies and check-list of tasks.

1) Airtable - I like to see different views of my priorities - whether it may be in a kanban board or a calendar, Airtable does a good job of helping me stay on track and remind me of what I should be focusing on.

2) Dailies - we do daily stand-ups, which allows me to think about my tasks for the day. Presenting it to the team helps.

3) I repeat the process on paper in my notebook.

The physical action of crossing things out is so satisfying.

Also taking breaks! I do Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, so I have a way to let out steam (and healthily too)!

Read 100 answers from other remote workers

What do you like about remote work?

The best part is that I have my own schedule.

I don't have to commute three hours to and from work, and I am location flexible. I'm about to move to Mexico City for the rest of 2019, escaping the brutal Canadian winter.

Also, it really tests my discipline and pushes me to accept a learning curve and take on another challenge. I'm definitely more motivated and productive, learning a LOT more (just because it is a different industry from the previous industry I used to work in, which was traditional media production).

Read 106 answers from other remote workers

What do you not like about remote work?

I wish I could see my co-workers in person more often! They're distributed around Colombia, the USA, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, etc... I hope to meet them one day at a retreat!

Also, I need to have better work-life integration.

If you leave me alone, I'll sometimes work 14 hours straight and forget to eat or shower.

I'm not a student anymore, and I need to live my life like an adult (I am working on it).

Read 103 answers from other remote workers

What did we forget to ask Josephine?

At RemoteHabits we're always trying to improve our interviews, what question should we have asked Josephine?



Jo is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu enthusiast, hip-hop head and avid traveler leading Remoter. Interested in participating/partnering/working with her? Hit her up at [email protected].

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