Where are your favorite countries to work remotely?

Question: Where are your favorite countries to work remotely? Read answers from remote workers to learn.

Interview with Hannah, a freelance writer that travels the world

During my travels, I spent nearly two months in Bali, Indonesia. I learned about the coworking space The Dojo and quickly signed up. Great decision! It’s starting to gain a lot of attention and become busier, so I almost feel like I shouldn’t mention it in case I go back, but it was great. It’s a really social coworking space and the first one I ever worked at.

I’m spoiled now and no other coworking spaces may ever compare. I also went to Balipapan in Indonesia, Bangkok in Thailand, and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia this year. I’ve had great experiences in all of these places and they’re definitely worth checking out.

Hannah is a freelancer writer and social media manager that travels the world while working remotely. Read her interview to learn how she works.

Read full interview from Interview with Hannah, a freelance writer that travels the world.

Interview with Dani and Luca, digital nomads who have mastered work and travel

You know what? There is no country that is better than another. What makes us like a country more are the people that live in it.

We loved places like Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia (Java and Bali), but it was primarily due to good environments, people, and food. At first, it was not easy to work from Asia, it gives you more challenges, and you need to adapt to them, but once you learn how to survive, it becomes straight forward.

There are a lot of people that prefer places like Chiang Mai in Thailand, and we like it too, but we don't consider it better than any other place where we worked from.

Dani and Luca have mastered the art of traveling while working—see their hacks & tips for thriving as digital nomads.

Read full interview from Interview with Dani and Luca, digital nomads who have mastered work and travel.

Interview with Marian, a nomadic social media manager and day trader

So far, I am enjoying my time in Addis Ababa, but I love the vibes in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Day trading & virtual assisting has allowed Marian to see the world—in this interview, she lays out her routine and priorities for those thinking of traveling while working.

Read full interview from Interview with Marian, a nomadic social media manager and day trader.

Interview with Michelle, an organizer of digital nomad experiences

Portugal and Bali.

Photo of Lisbon by Elisa Michelet on Unsplash

Photo of Lisbon by Elisa Michelet on Unsplash

A solo backpacking trip led to Michelle organizing co-travel experiences for digital nomads—hear how she manages working while traveling.

Read full interview from Interview with Michelle, an organizer of digital nomad experiences.

Interview with Kati, a co-founder shares her tips for juggling multiple side hustles

St. John, US Virgin Islands, hands down! We stayed in a Vrbo studio apartment overlooking a bay, in between two mountains. We had no AC, but the trade winds were always blowing and keeping us cool.

It was great working from the wraparound porch, listening to the donkeys, goats, chickens, and pigs all day! We generally stopped working around mid-afternoon and spent our evenings sampling local food and drink as well as visiting as many bays in St. John as we could!

The water there is crystal clear and the perfect temperature for swimming and snorkeling. I’m getting weak just telling you about it!

Kati has made a career at using the internet and gig economy to her advantage—see how she successfully manages multiple side hustles and a business.

Read full interview from Interview with Kati, a co-founder shares her tips for juggling multiple side hustles.

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