FountainheadME Mid to Senior Front End Developer - $75K to $110,000 - LOCAL/REMOTE

via Stackoverflow Jobs

FountainheadME is a very busy eCommerce Agency located in Santa Monica, CA. A rapidly growing segment of our business is eCommerce development. We have 4 full stack developers who develop sites usually in Laravel for custom builds or Shopify for platform projects. 

We are looking to segment our development team into front-end and back-end and therefore we seek a very competent front-end developer. 

This position is open to local and remote developers. The job pays between $75,000 and $110,000 annual salary not including bonus and incentives. Health insurance is provided to those in California, otherwise equivalent compensation is provided. 

Our working hours are from 6:30am to 3:30pm PACIFIC TIME (UTC -7/-8). If you're working remote your hours are more flexible, however you must available to collaborate during our regular working hours. 

We currently offer 2 weeks of paid time off but may change it to unlimited PTO. 

To apply for this job, please take this 10-minute skills assessment test. We will then reach out to do a video interview:

Posted FountainheadME Mid to Senior Front End Developer - $75K to $110,000 - LOCAL/REMOTE on February 1, 2020 via Stackoverflow Jobs

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