Very LLC Senior Software Engineer - Kotlin

via WeWorkRemotely

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Headquarters: Remote

As a Senior Software Engineer, you will be working across multiple technologies developing data centric-solutions. This requires an interest in API engineering, DevOps, SQL and NoSQL databases, cloud infrastructure and everything in between...

In this role, you will be exposed to each of the following technologies in order of importance:

  •  Java & Kotlin
  •  ElasticSearch
  •  Spring and Spring Boot
  •  Databases: Oracle, MySQL
  •  AngularJS 2+
  •  Business Process Machines, ex: Camunda
  •  Python: Flask, Django, SciKit-Learn, Pandas

We value well-tested, reusable code and expect our engineers to be as good of practitioners as they are leaders and teachers.

Engineers who apply for this job should be excellent practitioners at both Java and Kotlin, along with an interest and willingness to become proficient with Elastic Search.

What You’ll Be Working On

Very is first and foremost a software consultancy. We tackle hard problems for clients who need a targeted, senior team to come in and provide specific solutions. Our customer base has expanded into the IoT and data science spaces due to our ability to develop hardware and software rapidly in parallel.  Our projects in this domain have ranged from data acquisition and alerting for industrial power systems to automated self-pour beer taps.  

Currently, we have a long-running client with needs matching this specific job description, and you will be hired into this project. You’ll spend the majority of your time working on this project, and the remainder of your time can be spent improving Very. These internal contributions often include working on open source projects, building internal products, improving your craft, educating others, and more.
Upon completion of this project, you will move on to other client projects for Very.

How You’ll Be Compensated

We believe in a transparent, fair compensation structure and have developed our own open salary formula. Depending on your skill and experience, you can expect your base compensation to be somewhere between $103,000 and $125,000 upon joining the company. We also offer performance bonuses, a generous maternity/paternity leave policy, 401K matching, and numerous other employee benefits including reimbursement for home office equipment and gym memberships.

This is a full-time employment opportunity for a single individual. We’re not looking for contractors, part-time individuals, or agencies of any kind. Applicants must be located in the continental United States. Thanks!

To apply:

Posted Very LLC Senior Software Engineer - Kotlin on August 2, 2019 via WeWorkRemotely

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