I was approached via cold email regarding my posts on Hacker News.
They saw the answers I had posted and saw the links to my GitHub/portfolio in my profile and that intrigued them.
We exchanged information and I provided my rate and that's how I began to work with that company on a contract basis. Because of that, the transition was seamless!
Read 114 answers from other remote workers
I'm currently helping a mid-sized client build out a React project from its very early stages. Since I specialize in UX engineering, this is a great match between client and consultant.
Read 107 answers from other remote workers
My day starts off with a team sync via a Slack standup. I use Station to manage my workflow so I have all apps (Slack, Jira, Zeplin, Google Apps, etc) all located in one application. So I simply go through all of the unread messages, sync up my code, and tackle the next item.
It's very streamlined, so my ramp up time each morning takes less than 5 minutes and I'm back at software development.
Read 92 answers from other remote workers
Yes, I work from home in a dedicated office space we have in our house. I also have a desk at a co-working space downtown where I hold office hours for the shared startups.
For the office hours I simply work out of the space and if any portfolio companies have short questions I help them out.
This is a great way to not only connect with the local community, but has helped me source some deals to keep my business going strong.
Read 93 answers from other remote workers
Station has been a great tool to collect all of the applications I had to check separately. Now I have one interface to check tasks, email, Slack, billing/accounting, hour tracking, and more.
Besides that, I think it's important to master the tools of your craft, so I continue to invest time into my terminal and my code editor to stay sharp and productive.
For terminal I use Oh My Zsh (with autosuggestion) and Solarized and Powerlevel9k.
Powerlevel9k, an awesome Powerline theme for ZSH
For my IDE I Use Sublime Text with a huge host of plugins: color highlighter, syntax for Ruby, JavaScript, Elixir, GitGutter, JsPrettier, SideBarEnhancements, SublimeLinter, ...basically all the things to make my main programming languages easier to read and use.
Read 108 answers from other remote workers
I know people use tools like pomodoro or RescueTime but I've never found that cadence-based routine to be particularly useful.
My mind doesn't work in perfectly segmented tasks, and I find the times I am hyper-focused and in a state of flow that I don't want to take time off.
The ramp up time is simply too large to risk breaking my focus simply because a timer on my browser told me to stop.
Instead, I just work very organically in terms of rest vs work time. I've never had a problem with reaching my deliverables so I feel like the old saying of "do what works" applies here.
On top of that, just being healthy: eat right, exercise, get enough sleep. That ensures I am performing at my best each and every day.
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I love the freedom.
Because my clients cannot see me day-in and day-out, they judge me based on my output and value, and not based on my time in a seat.
Because of that, I don't have a problem taking a long lunch or running errands, because I can always slot in my work time earlier/later in my day.
I'd rather have that flexibility with the shared understanding of high output than simply exist in an office for 8 straight hours just because it "feels" more productive to a manager or executive.
Read 106 answers from other remote workers
I am extroverted so I definitely find the isolation to be difficult at times.
Luckily, having a dedicated office space in a co-working office helps alleviate that loneliness.
Because I have that flexibility (and membership also includes perks like free coffee), that takes care of any of the downsides I would normally have with remote work. It's actually pretty great!
Read 103 answers from other remote workers
At RemoteHabits we're always trying to improve our interviews, what question should we have asked Adam Conrad?
Adam Conrad is a UX engineering consultant based out of Boston, MA. He is the founder of a boutique firm Anon Consulting. You can find him on Twitter at @theadamconrad and can read more about his work over at User Interfacing.
Want to be interviewed? If you have a remote position, head over to the interview me page!
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Patric works on his own projects while also consulting for medium sized software companies, learn how he works remotely.
Learn the tips and tricks Ben uses to stay productive while working remotely on a hybrid team
John works remotely while using the latest web development technologies, learn how he works by reading his interview.
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