Laura Coronado
Communications Specialist
February 25, 2019

Interview with Laura, a communications specialist and travel writer by night

Laura Coronado discusses her method for juggling her career as a communications specialist by day and her side hustle as a freelance travel writer by night.

How did you get started with remote work?

I've always had a side hustle as a freelance writer, so I've always worked remotely part-time for various publications. But two years ago, I landed a great full-time gig as a communications specialist with a WordPress website design and development agency called WebDevStudios.

So by day, I work remotely with a team of talented people. By night, I continue working from home writing articles and blog posts.

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What are you working on?

At WebDevStudios I manage the website content and blog posts for our family of companies, as well as our social media. I spend a lot of time editing blog posts that other team members write and curating and scheduling content for social media.

I also assist with marketing initiatives, and right now I'm helping with the development of a promotional offer for one of our brands. After work, I'll be working on a travel article about Las Vegas, which is where I live.

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What's your typical work routine?

While I live in the west, I work east coast hours. So, I log into work at 7 a.m. PST, Mondays through Fridays.

First, I greet my teammates, letting them know I am around. I then log into Help Scout to answer customer inquiries for website projects and coordinate those accordingly.

I spend my day multitasking. So while I'm working with customer inquiries, I'm also monitoring our social media for engagement there, as well as our blog for comments.

I like to tackle content first, so I work on editing, coordinating, and scheduling blog posts. If there are other content needs required, such as updating or creating content for a landing page or marketing collateral, I do that, too.

During the last hours of the day, I work on our social media. Peppered in between all of that are quick meetings and chats with teammates about content.

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Do you have a dedicated space to work?

I like to roam around for work. I usually work off my dining room table, often using a stand atop the table so I can stand while I work. Sometimes I meander off to the living room and chill on the sofa with my laptop on my lap.

When the weather is nice, I will work poolside. And if I need to get out of my place and change the scenery, there is a restaurant nearby where I can hang out and work. My family lives in Texas, so I travel there to visit and work wherever I can find some peace and quiet.

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What tools do you use to stay productive?

I rely heavily on customized reminders from Slack known as Slackbots to remind me to do things. I like to play music while I work, too. Sometimes I play new age ambient type of stuff to keep me calm, centered and focused.

Other times I'll play upbeat music for motivation. Coffee is also a must-have for productivity. Oh! And strawberries. Strawberries keep me happy.

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How do you stay on task?

Again, Slackbot reminds me of what I need to do. But WebDevStudios also relies on project management software like Trello and Basecamp to keep things organized.

I rely on Google Sheets in Google Drive to keep my content organized and insert deadlines. I use these sheets for our company editorial calendar as well as for the freelance content I publish on the side.

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What do you like about remote work?

I love the work-life balance that remote work offers. I love not commuting, not spending money on gas, and not having to wear business attire daily.

My home is very quiet and calm. I love that I don't have to leave it in order to establish a career.

I feel I accomplish more by working from home.

Read 106 answers from other remote workers

What do you not like about remote work?

Sometimes I do feel stifled and want to change my atmosphere. That's when I go to the restaurant right across the street and work from there.

I live in a country club, and there are landscapers often working on the property. The loud noise of leaf blowers can be bothersome.

Read 103 answers from other remote workers

Do you have any advice for remote workers?

My advice is to stay connected with the people you work with and develop bonds with them.

You don't have to be best friends, but when you find common ground with people you work with (or for) and when you discover and establish that you're working toward the same goal, you'll find your passion and motivation increase.

Create and encourage a team environment and you'll find joy in your work.

Read 39 answers from other remote workers

What did we forget to ask Laura Coronado?

At RemoteHabits we're always trying to improve our interviews, what question should we have asked Laura Coronado?


Laura Coronado

Laura Coronado is a communications specialist for WebDevStudios, a travel writer at, and blogs at her personal website LollieShopping. When she's not writing or shopping, she's learning to play guitar. She's also writing a book, so be careful, or you might end up in it.

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