Vaishali Badgujar
Content Marketer
April 21, 2019

Interview with Vaishali, a content marketer and a productivity tool expert

Vaishali persevered until she found the right remote work job for her lifestyle—check out how she uses productivity tools and time management strategies to stay productive.

How did you get started with remote work?

I started working at a multinational company right after I got my engineering degree. The job was bliss with lots of learning and a good pay-scale. After I got married, I continued working at my job. Eventually, I got promoted and also received an opportunity to go to the U. S. to work for a very high-profile client.

Everything was going fine. Then we (I and my husband) decided to leap into parenthood. Moreover, that's when I decided to leave the job which I loved so much.

I was happy and content because our world was complete with the arrival of our daughter, but the habit of working was still around. So I started freelancing by building websites and offering consulting services for local businesses.

This went on for a few years until I was fed up of the low returns and the struggle to get new local clients.

I did a few certifications and also earned a distance MBA degree. Meanwhile, I was applying for remote jobs. I kept trying my luck for over a year and a half, and one day I received a reply from my current employer, Time Doctor.

After some discussions and verification, I received the confirmation. That's when I actually started working remotely full time.

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What are you working on?

I am a content marketer, and I work with the remote marketing team at Time Doctor, a SaaS time tracking and productivity tool for companies and freelancers. I specialize in link building and content promotion.

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What's your typical work routine?

I start work at 9 am and finish by 6 pm.

I try to complete high priority tasks in the mornings when my daughter is at school. After that, I then work on the low priority ones in the afternoons.

That way I get some time with family.

For many, working from home often results in working 24/7.

However, I make sure I keep my laptop away on weekends so that I can start fresh every week.

Also, I take breaks in-between and an afternoon nap of approximately 20 minutes. Chatting with co-workers and team building activities also helps me stay motivated and focused.

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Do you have a dedicated space to work?

Yes. I have a home office and a dedicated desk where I work. It is comfortable with a desk, a cozy chair, and some decor. I have painted it bright and light colors, so it feels fresh.

I get ready as if I am going to an office each day. Fortunately, I can just walk to my office without needing to travel.

I find I am more productive and in work-mode when I am in my office.

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What tools do you use to stay productive?

Time Doctor: I used to freelance before joining Time Doctor. However, I never used any productivity tools then. I was reluctant to use Time Doctor when I joined this company. Eventually, I found out that I was wasting so much time even on a short coffee break. So Time Doctor has proved to be a great productivity and time management tool for me.

Slack: Many believe that Slack is a productivity killer, but for me, it is an app that makes me work faster. I can set reminders, share docs with my co-workers, and take surveys and easy polls.

I also use various online collaboration tools like Google Docs, Skype and a few others to work efficiently. On the marketing tech side, I use apps like Buzzstream, Ahrefs, LinkedIn and Quuu which enable me to be productive.

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How do you stay on task?

I start by preparing a checklist before I start my day, and update it at the end of it. I then set reminders in Slack for some tasks. Next, I prioritize important tasks during the first half of the day and then handle less critical functions during the second half.

Continuous self-learning is important when you don't have your team around. So, I set aside some time each week for learning and keeping myself updated with the latest marketing developments and trends.

Also, we have quick weekly meetings. During them, I take notes and make sure to complete the tasks we discuss each week.

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What do you like about remote work?

Location and time flexibility: Remote work allows me to work whenever and wherever I want. This helps me balance my work and personal life without sacrificing either of it.

No more daily commutes: I feel privileged when I can just walk to my desk each day. There is zero travel time, no pollution, and no morning rush. This helps my mental & physical health.

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What do you not like about remote work?

Sometimes you can end up working 10+ hours a day for seven days a week when you always carry your laptop.

There are also times when on a relaxing Sunday, I get tempted to check emails and send replies.

The only drawback of remote work is that you have to strive to have control of your work hours and have strong work ethics.

Remote work is not for everyone.

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What are the benefits of building a remote team?

Remote work enables businesses to hire the best remote talent from across the world. This allows for the onboarding of people with a variety of opinions and skills. These individuals can help businesses flourish.

There are studies that show that remote employees are more productive than office employees. They take less days off, virtual meetings are short and quick, and remote employees can take less coffee breaks thus wasting less time.

Also, when everyone works from home, the workplace expenses are close to zero.

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What did we forget to ask Vaishali Badgujar?

At RemoteHabits we're always trying to improve our interviews, what question should we have asked Vaishali Badgujar?


Vaishali Badgujar

Vaishali Badgujar is a content marketer at Time Doctor, a SaaS time tracking and productivity tool for companies and freelancers. Badgujar is also a content marketing expert who specializes in link building.

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