Recent Interviews

Learn how other remote workers handle their daily routines, getting work and more.

Interview with Eddie, an Engineering Director

Eddie is an Engineering Director - learn how he manages to absorb interruptions and manage information overload while staying productive.

Interview with Mark, a programmer building bespoke business applications

For Mark, avoiding distractions and sticking to regular hours are perhaps the hardest parts of being a freelancer - learn his secrets to achieving a good workflow.

Interview with Cameron, a designer who works remotely at a WordPress agency

Learn how Cameron started full-time remote work after trying freelancing and starting a digital agency.

Interview with Harry, an IT Architect who works from home

Harry has worked remotely for almost 10 years as a senior mobile, web and desktop developer—learn how he balances work with family.

Interview with Ben, a web developer who freelances from home

Learn the tips and tricks Ben uses to stay productive while working remotely on a hybrid team

Interview with Mike, a software engineer who works remotely at GitHub

Mike got started with remote work after getting an offer from his dream organisation. Learn how he works remotely while working on open source projects and publishing books.

Interview with Adam, a UX engineer building his own consulting company

Learn how Adam started working remotely from a cold-email on Hacker News, to how he's using a local co-working space to grow his business.

Interview with Kay, an independent software consultant who found freedom in remote work

Learn how Kay made the jump from full-time employee to full-time remote consultant

Interview with Igor Kulman, a software engineer building iOS apps remotely

Igor converted a part-time contract into a full-time remote software engineering job—learn how he did it and his tips for working remotely.

Interview with Patric, a UX designer and usability engineer that works from home

Patric works on his own projects while also consulting for medium sized software companies, learn how he works remotely.

Keep your remote working skills sharp—get notified when we post the next remote work interview! RemoteHabits will help you achieve your remote work goals!