I kept getting sick from the demanding work hours of office-based life. At first, I didn't want to leave that world, but my body couldn't take it anymore.
Long commutes and long work hours resulted in a physically damaged version of myself.
The transition was quite hard, and it was like being a fresh grad again and starting from scratch. It took me about two months to find my first client/employer. It was part-time work that paid hourly.
I stayed there for about a year until they didn't need me anymore. After that, it was simpler to find a replacement since I already had the remote experience that everyone was looking for.
Read 114 answers from other remote workers
Currently, I have a couple of things going on. I'm actually employed remotely, but my employer doesn't require working at fixed times and a certain number of hours, which gives me the freedom to do other things that I never had a chance to do before:
I'm employed as a Sr. WordPress Developer.
I organize and produce events for a company here in the Philippines. All types of events from benefit gigs to tech workshops to spoken word poetry, etc.
I write socio-political relevant songs and record them with my friend's band. Apart from that, I play guitar and a little bit of drums as well.
I just started my blog site, which will focus on remote working tips, travel tips in the PH, co-working spaces reviews, etc.
It's a lot, but I have never been happier to be able to hit all my passions in one go.
Read 107 answers from other remote workers
My work routine usually involves a playlist of movies I've already seen playing in the background, a buttload of chips, and a huge glass of water. I work non-stop for three hours, and then I take a 30-minute break before I start another three hours.
For the daily routine:
*When I have an event scheduled that day, I remove the extra nap. :)
Read 92 answers from other remote workers
I do have a dedicated workspace. It is composed of my table, chair, my laptop, an extended monitor, and my BT mouse.
When I get tired of working in my house, I usually invade my friends' offices, and I work from there. I also work in co-working spaces, coffee shops, and restaurants.
In percentage form: 70% - at home 5% - crash friends' office 5% - coffee shop 10% - co-working spaces 10% - restaurants
Read 93 answers from other remote workers
The best two software tools that help me be productive are Netflix and Spotify. I know it's kind of unconventional to have those two as my productivity tools, but I tell you, it really works for me.
They also serve as my time tracking tool. Like with Spotify, I have different playlists for different moods and genres that give me my momentum to work each day.
Netflix, on the other hand, keeps me awake at night. I also only play movies that I've already seen. So, I listen to it and watch it in my head while I work. It's not a distraction to me. It boosts my productivity and creativity.
Read 108 answers from other remote workers
I basically discipline myself to allot specific times of the day to do or complete my tasks.
What I do is I set multiple Spotify playlists with a different number of songs that keep my momentum up, so the first playlist would have about ten songs.
After the playlist ends, I take a 30-minute break then I start a new playlist with 20 songs. After that, I take another 30-minute break and start a new playlist with 30 songs in it.
So, that goes on until I am satisfied with my daily tasks.
Read 100 answers from other remote workers
What I like most about remote work is I get to be with my dogs, my family, and friends whenever I want to.
Like I don't have to check my schedule anymore or find a way to make time for them, I can easily focus all my time on them whenever they need me or when I need them.
Read 106 answers from other remote workers
I don't like not having people to talk to when I'm at home alone. That's it, but it's a very workable situation, especially when I see heavy traffic outside, I'd rather stay home alone than be stuck in traffic stressed out before I even get to work.
Read 103 answers from other remote workers
At RemoteHabits we're always trying to improve our interviews, what question should we have asked Drei?
Drei is remote web developer who focuses on user experience and frontend development of WordPress websites. With over eight years of experience in the web industry, Drei currently works as a remote sr. WordPress developer for Pixel-Perfect Digital, Ltd. in the UK, and she is also a part-time project manager for Senti AI in the Philippines. During her free time, Drei loves to participate, volunteer, and speak for some of the Philippine tech communities like Philippine Web Designers Organization (PWDO), Developers Connect (DevCon), Google Developer Group (GDG) and more.
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Rosemary, a digital content marketing manager shares the freelance lessons she has learned over the years—see her tips & exceptional entrepreneurial wisdom.
Jacob is a Site Reliability Engineer who believes in asynchronous communication and bullet journaling - learn how he maximizes his daily "deep work" time.
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