Writer interviews

Read writer interviews with remote workers to learn all about working remotely.

Interview with Grainne, a professional writer and content marketing manager who works remotely

Grainne's freelance work led to her landing a remote work job—see how she manages distractions and balances her work with Buckets.co and her clients.

Interview with Laura, a communications specialist and travel writer by night

Laura Coronado discusses her method for juggling her career as a communications specialist by day and her side hustle as a freelance travel writer by night.

Interview with Betsy, a head of content and remote work routine expert

Betsy Ramser is a content manager, blogger, and teacher who helps other remote workers thrive while creating a daily routine that works.

Interview with Kevin, a developer and remote consultant

Kevin is a developer and consultant working on many different projects - learn which tools he uses to optimize his time management.

Interview with Jenna, a freelance writer who works remotely to help manage her health

Jenna started working remotely after realizing her office job was causing health problems—now she works as a freelance writer and writes about self-improvement

Interview with Deb, a sales copywriter who transitioned from software development

Deb made the jump from full-time software developer to freelance sales copywriter—learn how he made the transition.

Interview with Ayesha, a freelance writer that gained early clients through her blog

Ayesha is a freelance content writer—learn how she made the leap to remote work while building her blog and raising her family

Interview with Dane, a freelance writer and author with 7 published books

Dane is a freelance writer and author who works remotely, and balances client work with writing his own books.

Interview with Andrew, a freelance writer who works remotely

Andrew became a full-time freelance writer after experimenting with freelance marketplaces. After the first month, he was already earning more than his full-time job.

Interview with Laurel about helping companies transition to remote work

Laurel is an advocate for remote work and helps companies learn how to work remotely through her consulting and writing.

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